Monday, April 16, 2007

Studio Newsletter

I have a new newsletter for the goings on in my studio for those whoare interested in what happens there. You can join here if interested:

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Coming Along

Things are coming along at the store, next weekend is VEISHIA and John wants me open for that, so open I will. How I'm going to work the training into the schedule is beyond me, I am in need of serious training on the new printer, I can't get it to do half of what it can do, and why a trainer hasn't been sent up yet is beyond me.

Anyway I named the printer, it's a boy btw, Simon. To say that Simon has a colic problem would be an understatement, the thing is royally tempermental and alarms go off just about everytime I touch the crazy thing. I have successfully printed off copies of the book, have yet to figure out how to do saddle stitching yet - hopefully a trainer will be presented and soon - the prints are gorgeous! You haven't lived until you have seen a photo real print.


If you are a Packwood or have Packwood family information feel free to leave a comment with a email addy or link here and I'll get back to you. Some time back someone from Texas left a comment wanting more infomation on Packwoods but left no email addy so I can't get in touch with them.


My cousin Brian Kerfont, he lives in Newfoundland, emailed me with a quite a bit of family information and confirmed what I have always suspected, mom is native american! Mi 'kmaq to be exact. Mom had always told us we were, well she used a not so politcally correct term. But with all moms sometimes it's hard to know what's fact and simple entertainment for small children, after all my husband's mother told him he was a little eskimo and as far as we know he's scottish and swedish. So anyway... the "how much part" would appear to be quite large more than half, maybe whole??? There seems to be a dead end on researching the family name.

Now in Print

It's finally in print the Rust and Clay Dyeing book, all 97 pages!!! It is available through my store, see link on left sidebar.

Now in Print

The Rust and Clay Dyeing Book is now available in Print format!!!

Anyway... The book is 97 pages and almost every page has color photos on them (I think there may be a dozen pages that don't have an image or color of some sort on it!), the book is chock of photos. For a limited time the video clip cd will still be available with the book but once they are gone I have plans for a full out DVD, which will be done soon.

Friday, April 06, 2007

What's Up?

I updated some links on the right side bar, I added a spot for Newfoundland. My mom was from Cape St. George, NFLD, my dad met her at teh NCO club in Stephenville in 1964, pretty wild huh! He has some pics that I'll get scanned in someday they are really wild, the clothes they wore back then were something else.

The studio and store are coming right along, hopefully I'll be up and running next week. I know I swore off retail but with hubbies health issues and the like we decided that it'd be best to do it anyway. The potential for employees to help me is much higher now as I have a place for them to actually work. John will retire or be forced (which is most likely) in less than three years and his retirement is enough to pay the insurance only - that's if our politicians don't get their way and take IPERS and spend it on some idiotic program - which they are wanting to do and in a really bad way. If that happens then all Iowa public employees are screwed, not just us. I'll try to post pictures when the everything looks nice, and there's no scaffolding in the middle of my space.

Oh and there's this really charismatic church in the basement below my store/studio and Woooohooo are they ever a happy bunch!